
Why Use the Dry Fire Method in Shooting Practice

practice shooting technique with dry firingDry fire training is a method in which an individual fires a firearm with no ammunition in the chamber. Dry fire affects firearm owners by providing a procedure that highlights the fundamentals of how to aim a gun. It will help active firearm owners maintain front eyesight and keep the focus from the target and rear sight. Dry firing will help firearm owners work through recoil anticipation as well as get a better feel for their firearm.

Examples of training include the Wall Drill.

The wall drill guides the user of the firearm to point at a blank wall, line up with the front sight, and then pull the trigger. If the firearm moves or wavers, it is indicated that the user of the firearm had moved the gun while pressing the trigger. There is also a balance drill that helps aid the grip. By placing a coin or empty shell casing on the top of the gun and holding your firing stance, the trainer tries to keep the coin/casing on the firearm while dry firing.

Though there seem to be many positives from this technique, there is a debate that it may negatively affect the owner’s firearm during the dry fire training. There is a high risk of firing pins breaking down, and many firearm owners may only have black powder or different means of ammunition that make it difficult (or could cause further harm) to use the dry firing technique. The advancements made for guns today are better suitable for this kind of method of training. Stronger firing pins produced with more recent firearm advancements can resist the process of dry firing.

There are also different methods firearm owners can use that don’t have such a high risk of damage. Older firearms, such as rimfire rifles, would make an impact against the outer surface of the chamber, damaging the firing pin over time, such as peening. Peening creates an indentation or gap in the chamber, which could lead to misfires.

Accompanying the dry fire practice, however, are dummy ammunition. Dummy ammunition is highly encouraged for any firearm of choice because of the help in the protection it will give the owner’s firearm. Dummy ammunition and dry firing can also help develop better ways to reload the firearm in a very affordable manner.

In addition, there is a large variety of shooting simulators and virtual shooting ranges, which greatly expand the boundaries of training, but at the same time use the method of dry fire at its core. As stated, there are many pros and cons of how dry firing practice will affect the owner’s firearms! However, there are many benefits in that firearm owners can train anywhere, evaluate what they may be getting wrong during the training, and have the freedom to experiment with different training techniques, or whatever it may be, it will be a highly effective approach. Though it is a new and different kind of practice the goals that go with this dry firing practice will only help firearm owners. The increasing improvement in the mechanics of firing will allow the owner of the firearm to further absorb recoil and help them stay on target.


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