How To Clean, Care For Cast Iron Cookware
How To Clean Your Cast Iron Cooking–The Straight Truth
Cleaning & Care
If you want to experience information overload, just Google “cleaning cast iron cookware.” You will find so many conflicting ideas and theories you might just say “Forget it!” and give up. But to clean, care for cast iron cookware, really isn’t that difficult.
So 50 Campfires did the research. We gathered the facts and compiled the simplest, most straight forward method to clean and maintain your cast iron.
FACT: Today, nearly all new cast iron skillets come from the factory PRE-seasoned and ready to cook. All you need to do is rinse it in warm water, dry it with a towel … and GO! If this new skillet or Dutch oven is your first, spend a few extra bucks and buy a couple items to go with it. They even come in a convenient kit if you want. You need a brush, a scraper, and – our favorite – a chain mail scrubber.
These – and water – are all you’ll ever need to clean your cast iron if you do it the right way.
The Best and Simplest Way To Care for Your Cast Iron Dutch Ovens and Skillets
Here are the 7 simple steps:

No – we didn’t use soap! Both Lodge and Camp Chef, the two companies who dominate the cast iron market today, agree it’s fine to wash cast iron quickly with a little dish soap, as long as you rinse and dry thoroughly and apply the oil between uses.
If it will be awhile between uses and you might be storing your Dutch oven with your camping gear, a zippered case is a nice way to protect it.
The MOST IMPORTANT THING is NOT letting your cast iron sit with food or water in it. Clean it up as soon as the meal is over, and you’ll never have a problem and never lose the non-stick seasoned finish from your cast iron.
Want to see how to clean, care for cast iron cookware step-by-step in video form? Check out 50 Campfires video on Bass Pro Shops 1Source.
The post How To Clean, Care For Cast Iron Cookware appeared first on 50 Campfires.
Originally posted 2018-02-10 18:31:56.